I’m really happy I am able to share these beautiful sounds on my Soundcloud. It is my intention to share more songs as I learn them and I am able to transmit the healing energy that they are meant to send out into the world to raise the vibration of our lives, our humanity. I am also honored to have amazing medicine teachers who share these sacred sounds with me and the family here in Florida. We are very privileged to have so many wonderful people come through our city who leave us with such rich sounds. This particular song was shared by our dear brother, uncle, and nephew Kuauhtli during one of his many stops here in Miami.
Aguila Florida sagrada medicina, Aguila Florida sagrada medicina
Lluvia de colores sanando corazones, lluvia de colores sanando corazones
De nuestras almas eres la protectora, de nuestras almas eres la protectora
Santa curadora, alegre voladora, santa curadora alegre voladora…