Pachamama Treasures

Pachamama Treasures brings the beauty of our Mother Earth to everyone of her children with beautiful, exquisite pieces handmade by local artisans and honors our homes with precious healing tools. Each item is carefully...

Sacred Tools of the Earth

Sacred Tools of the Earth is a brand of traditional healing tools used in present-day life as a means to maintain traditional medicine and healing skills alive, thus prolonging the use of ancient wisdom and knowledge. The...

Rebels Buffet

Rebels Buffet is a restaurant at the Northfield Hard Rock Rocksino in Cleveland, Ohio. The request for an identity for the new buffet area was done through RGM agency while I was employed there. The...

La Niña de Pluma

La Niña de Pluma was a mobile business endeavor that made house appointments for the application semi-permanent of beautiful feather extension on women’s hair. They offer a variety of ways to wear our feather extensions. The Clip-In...

Wedded to Perfection

Wedded to Perfection is a wedding planning business created by Angie Ortiz. The client requested that I create a chic, elegant look for her new business and using a cursive font along with a rounded one, the look...

Pure Storage

Lorem ipsum ligula molestie ultricies fringilla nostra fermentum aenean, mauris dictum curabitur vel taciti ad euismod purus do lore del praza ipsum,  sollicitudin eu semper luctus quisque ligula. sollicitudin suscipit sapien ligula mi. Tempor...

Video Embed

Lorem ipsum ligula molestie ultricies fringilla nostra fermentum aenean, mauris dictum curabitur vel taciti ad euismod purus do lore del praza ipsum,  sollicitudin eu semper luctus quisque ligula. sollicitudin suscipit sapien ligula mi. Tempor...

Business Cards

Lorem ipsum ligula molestie ultricies fringilla nostra fermentum aenean, mauris dictum curabitur vel taciti ad euismod purus do lore del praza ipsum,  sollicitudin eu semper luctus quisque ligula. sollicitudin suscipit sapien ligula mi. Tempor...

Red Zone Grills

Red Zone Grills Identity system was created for a small cafe located within the Design Place neighborhood pool area. The client requested a lively, 50s style logo that created the feel of a clean and...

Gallery Columns 2

Praesent nibh massa, tempus eu sapien at, rhoncus luctus nisi. Curabitur ut augue urna. Nunc cursus finibus dui, at aliquam mauris aliquam sit amet. Aliquam augue eros, pulvinar et rutrum non, pharetra molestie leo....