At this point in the semester, the project is pretty much complete and. just feel I have to now start the polishing stage of the website. I have decided to add some pages including Library which will host the Downloads page, Resources, and Video Gallery, Workshops (with modules), the News page under About, and keep organizing the Traditions tab by adding more content, but that will be on another iteration.
This week we also need to start creating the microsite. This microsite will introduce the project to anyone who doesn’t know about it. It will include an introduction to the project, the features, photos of the site and a short introduction video for which I still yet to write the script for. I already have some video but I want to add another point of view with someone looking at the project on the computer for instance. Then I can edit it and add music and the voice-over.
Next Steps:
• Take footage of someone viewing the site
• Write script for microsite video
• Write grant paper
• Update presentation