So far it’s going great, I have started coding with the Bulma framework and the website is shaping up in a really great way. I am very happy and proud of myself for this because it’s all becoming familiar and I am able to design the site just as I was envisioning it.
Last week I spent it in Puerto Rico for the Vision Quest. The Vision Quest is a yearly ceremony that comes from the Lakota Native American Tradition called Hamblec’eyapi which translates into “Crying for a Vision”. This is one of the seven rites of passage in the Lakota tradition. This ceremony is a 4-year commitment where you, as a vision quester, undertakes this commitment by going up a mountain in an isolated area without food, water or word for 4 days and 4 nights.

This time, I went to support in the camp. Having completed my 4-year commitment two years prior, I decided to go and support and give back to my community who supported me those 4 years.
During the time, I was able to connect with many people who ultimately served as another user testing group. Many of them were new to these ways of life and participating in a big ceremony like this they had many questions and needed guidance.
The feedback I received was lots of gratitude for the information that the site will provide because now they will have a good source of information where they can just visit and also share with friends or family who wish to join one or many of the various ceremonies or participate in plant medicine ceremonies that are offered in the city.
Many again said that there were so many questions gone unanswered when they have been preparing to sit in ceremony or questions about the various traditions that have protected these medicines for millennia.
So far I have created the home page and the first news article page. I will continue to create the news page and video series page which have a similar structure.

I am so very happy how this is turning out! The Bulma framework is so great and easy to use, and I’ve gotten much better at recognizing code and how to manipulate it so that it does what I want it to do!
I am continuing to build this site out and then my next steps are to update the presentation, create the microsite and video to support the website and the Business Plan.